Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Kreature IN my Bed!

Yesterday, Kreature went upstairs and disappeared. After quite a bit of searching, I finally found him snuggled up under my son's blankies *on* his bed! Somehow he managed to jump onto his bed so he could an extra soft resting place.

He was NOT happy when I moved him.

Today, after I heard a lot of banging & thumping, I discovered that Kreature had crawled onto my bed!

He started off behind my pillows and then moved down to my soft blankies.

He huffed at me when I pulled the pink blankie back to see him.  Later he moved under my pillow to sleep.

He made sure to sleep in both of the spots where my dogs always sleep. Always! They were so unhappy with him taking their sleeping area.

Kreature is rather spoiled and believes he must now have the softest blankies and most cushiony places to sleep. His cage has several towels and blankies to burrow into instead of bark to dig in. I'm pretty sure I'm ruining him, turning him into a big softie!